Officer has to vomit: Police free children from horror house and arrest parents
Oklahoma (USA) - This story from the USA requires strong nerves: a couple let their children be so neglected that the police had to intervene. Thanks to an attentive neighbor!

Barbara North couldn't believe her eyes when she looked into the window of her neighbor's house from her property on September 12. There were two little boys standing at the window - naked and covered in feces, even on their faces and hands. "They looked at me as if to say, 'Please help us'," North told KWTV - NEWS 9.
The pensioner was to become a savior in need. She knocked on her neighbors' door to see what was wrong. But no one answered. Desperate, North called the police. What the officers found afterwards was absolute horror.
The entire apartment was so filthy that the emergency services had to wear protective suits. There was feces everywhere. According to the Oklahoma City police chief, one officer even had to vomit because the house smelled so bad.
In the children's room, the police officers finally discovered two naked boys, three and four years old, both completely neglected. Human excrement was stuck to the walls, furniture and carpets.
Horrible parents locked boys in their children's room for half the day

The police had no choice but to arrest the children's mother (22) and stepfather (24) for "multiple neglect".
Their two boys and an eleven-month-old girl were taken into custody and taken to hospital for examination.
Horrible stepfather Dakota Dodd later confessed during questioning that his two stepsons had been locked in their room "at least twelve hours a day". The reason: their mother wanted to sleep in peace.
Meanwhile, Barbara North had placed a teddy bear on her neighbor's fence and prayed. "The Bible says that anyone who has harmed a child has harmed God. My calling is to be the grandmother of every child," said North.