Because he wanted to incinerate his dog: Man causes serious forest fire

Nucla (Colorado/USA) - Brent Scott Garber (63) was arrested at the beginning of the month and appeared in court for the first time this week. The reason: he is accused of being responsiblefor a serious forest fire in the US state of Colorado. And all because he wanted to pay his last respects to his deceased dog.

Forest fires are currently occurring more frequently in the USA, such as here in New Jersey. A man who wanted to incinerate his dog was recently responsible for a fire in the US state of Colorado.
Forest fires are currently occurring more frequently in the USA, such as here in New Jersey. A man who wanted to incinerate his dog was recently responsible for a fire in the US state of Colorado.  © Uncredited/New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection/AP/dpa

As People reported, the handcuffs clicked on September 5. Shortly after the wildfire broke out in August, Garber was seen driving away from the outbreak site in his car.

A hole was then discovered in the same place, in which the half-burnt body of a dog lay. Next to it was a gravestone with the inscription: "October 2017 to July 2024, Rocket - Rest in peace, buddy."

Rocket was in fact Garber's beloved furry friend, who had attacked another four-legged friend shortly before her death. As a result, the 63-year-old had to have the animal put to sleep.

It seems that Garber had held his own personal funeral for his best friend after the loss and wanted to cremate the animal. He placed the carcass in the pit, covered it with wood and set it alight. He then threw an aerosol can on top.

Forest fire causes damage of 300,000 US dollars

Firefighters in the USA currently have their hands full. (symbolic image)
Firefighters in the USA currently have their hands full. (symbolic image)  © Noah Berger/FR34727 AP/AP

What Garber did not realize at that moment was that the flames would soon spread to the dry ground.

In total, the resulting forest fire caused damage of around 300,000 US dollars (around 270,000 euros), with more than 7200 hectares of land falling victim to the flames.

Fortunately, no one was injured by the fire and no buildings had to be evacuated.

Nevertheless, Garber will now have to answer for the immense damage. The next day of the trial is scheduled for October 23.