Bullying horde spits on 14-year-old girl for insulting her town on the internet
Łuków - In a smallPolish town, a large crowd of people brutally humiliated a 14-year-old girl.

The town of Łuków, east of the capital Warsaw, has just under 30,000 inhabitants - a good 50 of them ambushed a teenager outside a supermarket last Wednesday, as reported by the local broadcaster"Łuków.tv".
When the 14-year-old stepped out of the store, she was surrounded, spat on, had juice poured on her and bottles thrown at her, among other things! A video of the mob of bullies circulated on social media for a while and called the police.
According to the report, the footage shows adult customers simply ignoring the gruesome scenes and entering the store unmolested. The mayor, Piotr Płudowski, was shocked that no one had thought to alert the police: "I regret that there was no immediate reaction from witnesses," he told the magazine"Wirtualna Polska".
A more recent report by the Polish broadcaster states that the young victim had previously spread negative comments about the city and its inhabitants on the internet, triggering a "wave of aggression".
The juvenile court is now dealing with the crime, especially as the majority of those involved are said to have been of school age. The police have already spoken to the 14-year-old and her parents, but the family has not yet pressed charges.