Researchers surprise with sensational find: These whale bones are this old

Charleston (South Carolina/USA) - This find is a sensation! In the US state of South Carolina, scientists have discovered an ancient fossil. The individual components are to be extensively studied.

The remains of this toothed whale are around 29 million years old.
The remains of this toothed whale are around 29 million years old.  © Screenshot/Instagram/charlestoncenterforpaleo

As"Live5News" reports, these are the bones of a toothed whale (Odontoceti) from an estimated 29 million years ago.

Researchers from the Charleston Center for Paleontology uncovered the remains in a stream bed near Summerville in August of this year.

Now all the deposits have to be painstakingly removed. Among other things, the skull, lower jaw and vertebrae have to be freed from soil.

"Then we have to stabilize each piece of bone and put it together like a puzzle so that the animal can be brought back to life," explained the founder of the non-profit organization.

According to them, the specimens are not very well researched. They therefore hope to be able to close this knowledge gap through the study.